6th Form

Sixth Form Organisation:  


Corinne Southern- (Lead of KS5 ) 

Susan Barker- (Sixth form teacher) 

Louise Lipson – (Pastoral HLTA) 

Claudia McCann- (Curriculum HLTA) 

Students move to specialist areas in school to be taught by specialist staff eg. Food Technology, Resistant Materials, Humanities, Construction and Hair and Beauty. 


Bank View Sixth Form provides learners with a personalised curriculum giving our students the knowledge, understanding, skills and real-life experiences to grow into purposeful, self-reliant, well rounded and independent young adults.  

The sixth form staff provide opportunities for students to develop both academic achievement and personal independence allowing students to move on to the next stage of education, training or employment. 

Students at Bank View Sixth Form follow a curriculum that builds confidence, self-esteem, independence and employability skills. All students leave Bank View Sixth Form more prepared for college and employment with the necessary experience to succeed in the next stage of their education or career. 

Bank View Sixth Form empowers students by encouraging learners to explore and acquire new skills both in school and through links with local colleges. Students develop resilience and self-reliance with a number of students achieving the Gold Duke of Edinburgh award during their time in sixth form and a number aiming to achieve the award this academic year. 

A growing number of sixth form students now have the opportunity to access the Liverpool City Council Supported Internship Programme, ‘Intern to Work’. This is a chance to build skills and confidence in the workplace with a real possibility for pupils to achieve paid employment at the end of the course. 

Students at Bank View Sixth Form follow a bespoke curriculum made up of nationally recognised qualifications from ASDAN, WJEC pathways, Open Awards, Pearson Edexcel and The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. 


Since the last outstanding Ofsted inspection, the sixth form has made further improvements, with pupil numbers having increased to create a thriving post 16 community at Bank View School. The design of the school building has further enhanced the department’s performance with the sixth form enjoying a purpose built post 16 area, including a coffee bar for students as well as excellent learning areas and sensory rooms to ensure students feel safe and able to work to the very best of their ability. 

Sixth Form learners have access to all the resources the school provides including sports facilities and climbing wall, numerous outside spaces and specialised learning facilities which are all utilised in timetabled lessons by the sixth form students. 

The sixth form has continued to strive to be at the forefront of innovative post 16 education with the exciting Liverpool City Council ‘Intern to Work’ Programme. This year the scheme has grown again with a further number of Liverpool schools now taking part.  

As a result of this fantastic scheme several students have gained paid employment at the Holiday Inn Express on the Albert Dock and the Hilton Hotel on transitioning out of sixth form. Since a pause in the programme due to the Covid 19 pandemic the supported internship project is now a focus again.  


Bank View Sixth Form comes under the whole school umbrella regarding safeguarding and all sixth form staff are trained and extremely vigilant. There is a constant emphasis on keeping safe for students, evidenced across the curriculum, demonstrated in seesaw files and applied in the community through the regular travel training and life skills visits where personal safety is a priority.  

E-safety and how to maintain personal safety online is a hugely important part of the post 16 curriculum. Lessons around staying safe while using social media platforms are an integral part of the ICT curriculum and guest speakers including our Police liaison officer have previously led sessions with sixth form students (last in school 26/4/23 for ‘Stalking awareness Q+A’). Students also take part in all whole school projects around staying safe online such as Bank View ‘Safer Internet Day’ (February 2024). 

The Head of Sixth Form regularly takes part in safeguarding training. This training has led to an increased understanding and appreciation of the need for robust safeguarding measures and systems to be in place. 

Relational support, behaviour and rewards 

The sixth form staff follow the whole school Relationship and Behaviour policy. 

Post 16 students are expected to act as role models for younger students and promote positive behaviour incidents when sixth form students need support are rare. 

Positive reward charts are utilised for students that require support, praise and positive outcomes are regularly given. Again, this is applied on a personal basis according to the support required.  

After taking student voice into account, post 16 learners can also enjoy a Bank View Brew toasty as an additional, reward when they consistently work to the best of their ability during the week.  

Sixth form students also take part in the golden reader reward session.  


Sixth form follow the whole school attendance policy. Every Monday morning, students write their attendance score in their personal planner and are encouraged to have 100% attendance.  

All students with high attendance are entered into a whole school prize draw and attend an attendance assembly each term for a chance to win a Liverpool one voucher.  

Raising attendance levels in sixth form is a priority and senior leaders in school are actively seeking to further personalise Bank View’s post 16 offer by reviewing the current 5 day offer in collaboration with the local authority. 

Teaching and Learning 

Teaching and learning is constantly evaluated within sixth form both formally and informally to maintain high standards and to develop new approaches. Sixth form staff have an excellent working relationship and good practice is shared through informal discussion and observation. As well as this, the sixth form staff also take part in the whole school study groups. 

The lead of sixth form is part of the whole school curriculum team and attends regular CPD through the ‘Liverpool Transforming Teaching programme-ambition institute’ with other curriculum leads within our setting and across the city region. Sixth form staff also regularly liaise with other departments across the school to ensure continuity and build upon student knowledge and schema.  

All staff within sixth form attend regular CPD opportunities.   

Teaching and learning has been enhanced in recent years with the addition of post 16 student teachers, who as well as learning from the established sixth form teaching staff have shared new and exciting teaching ideas of their own.  

Sixth form teachers have attended external regional moderation meetings to share examples of student work and discuss teaching approaches and/or attended online training. Sixth form staff have also visited similar schools in the area to observe practice and inform planning, as well as attending the curriculum network meetings at Rowan Park.  

Personalised Learning 

All students at Bank View Sixth Form follow a set timetable consisting of both academic and practical subjects. However, within this timetable there are numerous opportunities for students to make personalised learning choices. For example, students take part in options subjects. This allows all pupils to choose a subject or area of interest to study based on personal preference from a range of subjects including Construction, Spanish, Music, Child Care, Hairdressing, Beauty, History and P.E. amongst others. 

Sixth form students choose from a list of colleges to visits during their travel training days. These colleges are all within the local area and therefore possible college destinations.  This gives students an excellent insight into college life while also providing an early opportunity for Bank View pupils to meet and liaise with college staff.   

Currently and historically a number of sixth form students are released one day per week to attend external work placements in the local area. For example, we currently have students volunteering at The Readers Café. In the academic year 2022-23 students attended placements at Willowbrook Hospice charity shop, Recycles, Strawberry Fields Café, The Holiday Inn Express and Redbridge School. We also have a number of students partaking in internal work placements supporting younger students in lessons across school; examples being Art, DT, Science and PE.  

Assessment, feedback and intervention. 

All students are rigorously assessed throughout the year using tools such as BKSB for functional skills Maths and English and by teacher assessment through the regular marking of student work, formative and summative assessments.  

The above assessment methods allow sixth form staff to identify students who require additional support, informing teacher support plan sheets and curriculum progress reports that are updated termly to improve progress and raise attainment. 

Staff regularly reflect on their practice and make suitable adaptations to planning if necessary to continually improve and update teaching and learning methods. 

The Sixth Form department follows the whole school marking policy.   

All students are given regular feedback, both written and verbally and have one hour weekly timetabled intervention session to be given the opportunity to correct, add or amend their work.  

Supporting Students’ Memory Retention  

Sixth form schemes of work follow a spiralised curriculum to ensure that key themes are regularly revisited both in and out of classroom environments to support students’ retention of information.   

Retrieval practices are utilised.  

The sixth form area displays visual images to encourage memory retention. 

Curriculum content 

Personal and Social Development 

Personal Development is a key aspect of the curriculum at Bank View Sixth Form. The subjects and enrichment activities undertaken aim to develop all students and maximise their potential by increasing confidence, self-esteem and competency in academic and practical aspects of learning. 

Staff closely monitor student personal and social development using the students’ individual social targets from their EHCPs.  

Specially trained staff also identify students who may need extra support in particular areas such as travel training or life skills. These students then receive targeted support to improve any aspects of their learning where required. 

This personalised learning means that all sixth form students make progress, whether that be in academic, practical or social terms. 

WJEC-Personal and social development qualification

Students study to achieve an award or certificate in personal and social development. Throughout the year students study units including, developing self, healthy living, environmental awareness, personal safety and managing social relationships to name a few.  

To further enrich student learning, we work in collaboration with the UK Military School. All students follow a scheme of work that enables them to encounter working with new people in unfamiliar environments to encourage and facilitate personal and social development in real world contexts. For example, students have had the opportunity to learn offsite in areas such as Formby Nature reserve, Liverpool Water Sports Centre, Delamere Forest, Crosby Beach, Cheshire Oaks Outlet Village, Liverpool One and other local retail parks.   

Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze/Silver/Gold) 

All sixth form students are enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Through Duke of Edinburgh participation students are encouraged to: 

  • Develop independence and become more self-reliant. 
  • Develop organisational ability. 
  • Become more able to overcome both expected and unexpected challenges. 
  • Recognise the needs and strengths of others. 
  • Improve decision-making skills and the ability to accept consequences. 
  • Gain the skills to reflect on personal performance.  
  • Learn through experience. 
  • Gain an appreciation of and respect for the outdoor environment.  
  • Learn the value of sharing responsibility through leadership, teamwork, self-reliance and co-operation.  

Students volunteer their time to help others and act as peer mentors for younger students within school in order to fulfil aspects of the Duke of Edinburgh course.  

Sixth form students currently volunteer in local parks as part of the Liverpool council greenspace initiative-litter picking in the local community. Students have previously volunteered their time at Rice Lane City Farm and Freshfield Animal Sanctuary. 

The sixth form students attend weekly sessions at the Inclusive Hub to improve their skills and physical development with trained boxing coaches.  

Residential Visits 

All pupils in the sixth form benefit from the opportunity to take part in residential visits during their time in 16-19 education at Bank View. 

These residential visits are not only a key part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award requirements but also build confidence and independence in students.  

The venues used so far are Bibby’s Farm, a Scout facility near Chorley in Lancashire and Hollows Farm, a campsite near Keswick in the Lake District. Both of these facilities are recommended by the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. 

Travel training, College visits and community links.  

Students attend weekly ‘in house’ travel training with trained staff. As part of this provision, students learn how to travel on local buses to local colleges, local shopping areas and community places, for example, Job Centre’s, Axess NHS, library and museums.  

In addition to weekly in house travel training, sixth form staff make referrals to the Liverpool Local Authority SEN independent travel training team. This travel training is individualised to support students in accessing travel to and from home to Bank View or their next educational placement.  

Students at Bank View Sixth Form have the opportunity to speak to many further education providers through events held at school and at colleges. We invite college representatives into school to speak to students and carry out numerous visits to providers. This places Bank View students in the best possible position to make an informed choice on their next step in education.  

Bank View works closely with Local Colleges through their school link liaison officers.  All students have the opportunity to spend one morning a week at college to give them a taste of college life (see Travel training LTP). 

Bank View students also have the opportunity to work with TAGS (Transition Advice and Guidance Service). Through TAGS students receive one to one advice and mentoring to help them and their families make the best possible decisions for the future (see TAGS information). As part of this service TAGS also makes enquiries with colleges after students have transitioned from Bank View, maintaining the offer of support where necessary. This important follow up work has resulted in all students who left school in June 2022 achieving a place in education, employment, or training from September 2023 with sixth form staff continuing to support students even after leaving Bank View (see student destinations). 

Functional skills  

All sixth form students continue to study functional skills in English and maths These subjects allow students to develop their literacy and numeracy skills in a real-life context and provide students with the opportunity to maintain continuity and progression throughout their school life. These Open Awards and Edexcel qualifications are recognised by colleges and employers, providing students with a greater range of options and opportunities on leaving Bank View School Sixth Form. Students also access additional intervention of functional skills using BKSB, an online resourced-based tool.  

ASDAN Employability.  

Students complete ASDAN Employability units with the aim of promoting independence, resilience, confidence and self-reliance.   

Bank View Sixth Form has been used as an example of good practice nationally by ASDAN and the head of sixth form was invited to deliver a workshop at the Historical Association Annual Conference. The workshop was designed to demonstrate good practice in successfully delivering History to SEND learners.  

Our externally moderated student work has been classed as exemplary by ASDAN external quality assurers and has also been used as an exemplar in the ASDAN guidance for other schools delivering across the UK.  

PSHE and Citizenship  

All 16-19 learners are encouraged to reflect on key issues for them personally and those around them. In sixth form we work closely with the head of PSHEE and organise external speakers to come into school to discuss the numerous and diverse topics ranging from the dangers of substance misuse to personal finance and bullying. For example, we have recently had in the Perception Theatre, with their performance of GRASS, PC Caroline and the Brooke. All these topics are reiterated through current affairs form time discussions, as well as the “Let’s read” text –’The perks of being a wallflower.’ 

Sixth form students also visit ‘Axess NHS’ through travel training. Students are shown where to access additional support for sexual health, for now and their futures. 

Spiritual Moral Social Cultural 

Students develop their understanding of other cultures and religions through weekly current affairs sessions and during let’s read- ‘Stamped’ text. Topics covered so far include civil rights and the quest for equality which have links in contemporary issues observed by students during group discussions in morning registration. Through these current affairs discussions students learn about British values including democracy and the British political system as well as the benefits of a free society. Indeed SMSC threads its way through the whole 16-19 curriculum via the Duke of Edinburgh award, ASDAN studies and PSD sessions.  

Sixth form students are able to express their creative talents in Music sessions and PE lessons as well as the many extra curriculum activities, such as the ‘Da Da Fest’, school clubs and church services we attend. 

A number of students from the sixth form have also taken part in the Liverpool School’s Parliament with a member of Bank View Sixth Form and actively engage in pupil voice through student council. This, along with many of our other activities such as helping others and contributing towards charity fundraising, works to promote British values. 

Extra-curricular activities  

Through close links with the Inclusive Hub, students have the opportunity to access boxing and physical fitness sessions which also encourage the building of confidence and increased social interaction during weekly sessions. Students are also able to access this during their own time with families free of charge, through the positive working relationship between school and the provider. Sixth form also have close links with the PE department, and we have been able to offer students the opportunities to take part in various outdoor activities, such as rock climbing, bouldering and canoeing. Sixth Form students also have full access to Bank View’s well attended lunch time school clubs, such as sports club, art and craft and gym and swim club, which all help to increase the confidence and opportunity to socialise for our young people. 

Supported Internship Programme 

Bank View Sixth Form students have the opportunity to apply for a place on the school’s exciting Supported Internship Programme in association with Liverpool City Council’s ‘Intern to Work’ project.  

Bank View has been at the forefront of this highly successful project and was one of the schools who took part in the pilot year of the initiative. 

After a successful launch in the 2017/18 academic year 3 students graduated from the project with the Hilton Hotel. 

So far there are seven Bank View Interns in paid employment as a direct result of the intern to work programme.  

The aim is to expand the project each year and we are currently working to identify further students and business partners for the 2023/24 academic year. We have recently held meetings with John Lewis and Lush with the aim of expanding into the retail sector.

Personal and Social Development (PSD) Tracking 

Sixth form staff have worked with wider school leaders and external agencies to adopt a progression framework to allow teachers to track the progress of pupil’s personal development.  

We currently track students Personal and Social Development through the PSD qualification and the student outcomes from their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s). Students are supported to write their individuals outcomes from their EHCP’s into student friendly terms, these are displayed so students can refer to on a regular basis. 

Work Experience for selected pupils 

Working with TAGS, a group of identified sixth form students will benefit from work experience placements during their time in 16-19 provision where appropriate.   

Students are also encouraged to source their own placements where possible and are released by school to do this. 

Six students secured external work experience placements this year. Additionally, three students complete internal work experience placements in other departments of the school.  


All sixth form students are expected to work on improving their skills at home. This could be anything from life skills around the house to using public transport or improving numeracy and social skills in the local community. 

There is also an expectation for students to secure volunteering placements outside of school hours to aid Duke of Edinburgh study where possible and complete research tasks for ASDAN projects when necessary. 

As well as this, students receive homework from the Functional skills subjects of English, Maths and ICT which becomes more intensive during exam preparation times. 



