Attendance at Bank View

Your child’s attendance

Bank View, in line with Liverpool City Council, strives for 100% attendance,

We work closely with students, families and other professionals to achieve this.

For a school to be considered to have good attendance we must have at least 97% attendance.

We have updated our attendance policy and attendance systems and this will be a continue to be a key target for our school over the next academic year.

The attendance policy outlines the schools procedures and the attendance flow chart shows the support available to reward regular attendance and how we can support students to ensure they achieve this

If a child is of compulsory school age it is essential they attend regularly to allow them to achieve their full potential. Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning.

Attendance percentages can be misleading. For some parents 90% attendance may seem like an acceptable level of attendance. However, the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that is nearly 4 whole weeks of school.

Any student with an attendance of below 90% is classed as a persistant absentee.

If you need any support please contact your child’s form team or the pastoral HLTA for your child’s year group.

Attendance %InterventionLead Responsibility / whole will support you
100% Attendance is excellentRewards and praise  Form team Pastoral HLTA Key Stage Lead
99% – 97% Attendance is goodRewards and EncouragementForm team Pastoral HLTAs Key Stage Lead
96% – 90% Attendance is a concernTalk to students and contact parent / carers Meetings with Pastoral HLTAS Support to return to school Safeguarding visits when 10 and 20 sessions (a session is a half day) have been missedForm team Pastoral HLTAs Key Stage Lead (EWO as requested at meetings)
Below 90% Attendance is a serious concernAction planning meetings / targets given 10 and 20 sessions safeguarding visits and persistent absence warning letters sent home EWO involvement Attendance panels (with EWO and SLT) Early Help Social Care Support or possible legal interventionKey Stage Lead Deputy Head Headteacher Safeguarding team EWO Governors

Power point shared with students (PDF)