
What are school governors?

Schools governors work to plan the strategic direction of the school, oversee budgets, and support and challenge the headteacher. As part of the governing board, governors play a vital role in helping schools run efficiently and effectively to give children the best education possible.

Schools with strong governing boards are better equipped to make important decisions that affect the education they provide for their pupils.

What do school governors do?

School governors have three core functions:

  • Planning the strategic direction of the school
  • Overseeing financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent
  • Holding the headteacher or school leadership to account

The governor role is strategic rather than operational. Governors don’t get involved with the day to day running of a school, instead supporting and challenging the leadership team to drive school improvement.

The Governors of Bank View High School are committed to safeguarding children and therefore all governors will hold a current DBS and participate in Bank View safeguarding training.

The Clerk to the governors is Dave Rice.

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NameType of GovernorDate appointedTerm of officeAppointed byPecuniary interestsCommittee / responsibilities
Alan JacksonCo-optedMarch 2014Jun 2022 to Jun 2026Formerly parent governor.
Co-opted governors
Employed by Cheshire EastChair
Health and safety and buildings
Disciplinary Committee
Pay review Committee
Finance and personnel Committee
Christine JonesCo-optedFeb 2014Jul 2022 to Jul 2026Co-opted governorsNoneVice chair
Pay review Committee
Safeguarding governor
Finance and personnel Committee
Disciplinary Committee
Kal KilburnParent GovernorNov 2019Jun 2023 to Jun 2027ParentsNoneCurriculum Committee
Bob DaviesCo-optedNov 2014Nov 2022 to Nov 2026LA governorNoneFinance and personnel
Health and safety and buildings
Link governor for Pupil premium
Neil AlecockCo-optedOct 2013Jul 2022 to Jul 2026Co-opted governorsIndependent careers adviser for BVSDisciplinary Committee
Curriculum Committee
Ann MarshCo-optedNov 2015Nov 2019 to Nov 2023Co-opted governorsNoneFinance and personnel Committee
Cheryl DevineStaff governorNov 2021Nov 2021 to Nov 2025StaffMember of staffCurriculum Committee
Janet EdgeCo-optedNov 2022Nov 2022 to Nov 2026NoneCurriculum Committee
Link governor for attendance
Michelle WalkerParent GovernorNov 2017Nov 2021 to Nov 2025ParentsNoneCurriculum Committee
Juliette GellingHeadteacherMay 2015May 2015 to presentCo-opted governorsHeadteacherDisciplinary Committee
Pay review Committee
Finance and personnel Committee
Claire PattisonCo-optedNov 2020Nov 2020 to Nov 2024Co-opted governorsDeputy HeadteacherHealth and safety and buildings
Finance and personnel
Health and safety and buildings
Shaun HanlonParent GovernorJul 2023Jul 2023 – Jul 2027ParentsNone
Kathyrn BaileyStaff governorNov 2022
Nov 2022 to Nov 2026
StaffMember of staffHealth and safety and buildings
Curriculum Committee

If you click here you can find Bank View Schools Instrument of Government

LA Instrument of Government Bank View