Safeguarding at Bank View High School
Safeguarding and Child Protection at Bank View High School is embedded in all aspects of school life and is a priority in all areas of the daily curriculum.
We expect all pupils, staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
Our supervision safeguarding team consists of:
- Layla Feeney: Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Juliette Gelling: Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- Claire Pattison: Deputy Safeguarding
- Alan Jackson: (Safeguarding governor)
- Christine Jones: (Safeguarding governor)
The wider safeguarding team includes:
- Marie Armstrong : Senior Assistant Head
- Gareth Davey: Senior Assistant Head
- Andy Wrigg: Deputy Head
- Jamie Devine: Assistant Head/Head of Primary
- Trisha Penny: Assistant Head
- Corinne Southern: Head of 6th Form
- Kathryn Davies / Lisa Greenbank: Wellbeing Hub Leads
Staff training and guidance
The safeguarding team accesses Liverpool School improvement annual safeguarding training and attend safeguarding, Train the Trainer.
Whole staff training takes place in the first half term of every academic year to share current local authority safeguarding guidance; in house referral systems; policies and duty of care practices.
Throughout the year safeguarding update sessions will take place.
Safeguarding polices and guidance can be accessed from staff safeguarding information boards and the school shared drive.
Safeguarding information is displayed throughout school from lanyards, notice boards in various areas for different audiences, computer home screen and guidance in staff toilets.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff
The safeguarding term meet regularly to review and challenge actions and outcomes, this process ensures that as a school we are always reviewing our safeguarding practice. Each year the headteacher completes the Local Authority 175 audit to ensure robust safeguarding policies, procedures and practice in school. The results of this audit and any subsequent action plan are shared with governors. Governors also check that any actions are completed within appropriate time lines.
Please click on the link below for relevant policies:
Safer recruitment policy and procedure
BVS safer working practices – Code of conduct
You can also click on the links for below for online safety guidance for parents.
Online safety guidance: Parents
A link to SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years and Keeping Children Safe in Education can be found below:
Keeping children safe in education
Safeguarding at Bank View School