Information for Students

A student career programme

At Bank View we have a careers programme in place that ensures that you are well equipped for the future and have the information you need to make realistic and informed decisions about further education, training and employment. 

Take a look at these great resources that will help you with your transition

Post 16 Support  – Department for Education Video

Help with making decisions – Council for Disabled children

Transition Tiger –  PfA Halton

Vocational Profile

Preparing for adulthood

When you leave school at 16 – 19 years, you are likely to have some or all of the following options available to you depending on your independence and support needs:

Further education at a college or training provider to follow a study programme, including Independent Specialist Colleges

Supported Internship– Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement. Watch these videos to help you understand this option

George the Supported Intern at Regenda Housing.

Mark the Supported Intern at a Liverpool Hotel

Harry the Supported Intern and John from Sandfield Park

Daniel the Supported Intern at Manchester Hospital

Ed the Supported Intern in Facilities

Harry the Supported Intern at a Solicitors

Supported Apprenticeship- An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training and study, letting you ‘earn while you learn’. Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas. Further information can be found here. Support is available throughout to ensure you adapt to the new working environment.

Traineeship- Usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work. Further information.

Employability Programme—Mencap offer employability programmes —find out more here

Social Care options – community based day activities – this could include day centres, part-time college, social firms, community leisure or sport/fitness activities and supported living/specialist residential care for those who are eligible for services. More information

Full range of post 16 options here on the Liverpool local offer website HERE

If you would like to spend some time looking at different types of Jobs visit The National Careers Service and you can also speak to your school Careers Advisor, Neil  

BBC Bitesize has a really useful careers page. It describes over 500 different job roles and has quizzes and articles which bring the world of work to life.

Careers – BBC Bitesize