Positive relationships and behaviour

The key principles of the policy are:
- Students are consulted and contribute towards the behaviour policy
- Students are confident and self-assured learners
- Students have a positive attitude and are respectful to the school community
- Students are proud of their school
- Students are self-disciplined and incidents of low level behaviour are rare
- Students understand how their education equips them with the behaviours and attitudes necessary to succeed in the next stage of education, training or employment
- To facilitate a sustained improvement in Students’ behaviour within targeted groups. Where behaviour is already excellent, this is maintained.
- Students work hard to prevent all forms of bullying, including online and prejudice-based bullying
- Students feel safe within school and are ready to learn
- Students can manage behaviour effectively during unstructured play such as at lunch time.
Bank View is part of the Liverpool Hearts project. It remains a whole school priority. The Hearts project was developed to build the capacity of Liverpool schools to address the critical issues of attachment and trauma for the benefit of the whole learning community. The idea for wider collaboration with the local authority, through Liverpool Virtual school and Hope School, was to share this expertise and create capacity to support pupils and improve inclusion for all pupils. Hope School believed in sharing beyond their own institution to better outcomes and enhance the lives of communities across Liverpool. As a school we have attended training, delivered staff training and submitted research projects. There is clear evidence that the project is having a positive impact and is supporting further development of inclusive practice. The research and training from this project have been used to inform our updated policy and remains a whole school priority.
The Liverpool HEARTS Project has now been shortlisted to win one of just 16 Gold Awards, which will be announced and celebrated at a gala ceremony in London on 25 November and televised on the BBC, with winners showcased on The One Show.