Primary PE


At Bank View, we believe that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We want to teach children skills to keep them safe such as being able to swim. We also want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. Lessons are delivered by a specialist PE staff, class teachers or sports couches who are passionate and enthusiastic. All children should develop their skills in a range of physical activities and be presented with the opportunity to develop these skills further within clubs and competitions. Children are provided with a multitude of sports which are timetabled throughout the year to ensure seasonality and reflect the variety of pupils’ interests; these include tag-rugby, football, dance, gymnastics, cricket, trampolining, rock-climbing, tennis and more. We want our children to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be personal trainers, nutritionists, sports journalists or gold medal winners.


Medium-term plans have been developed to ensure good coverage of the National Curriculum throughout a two-year cycle. Units are taught on a half-termly basis. The units allow for the children to make progress at their own level. It allows children who are struggling to have as much practice as they need at the basic core skills, but also gives every child the chance to work at a greater depth level, as there is no ceiling to their learning.


Teachers follow the sequence of lessons for a particular unit. Each lesson incorporates a warm-up, key skills practice, development of skills, a game situation or a choreographed element and a cool down. Each lesson builds on the previous one and gives the children an opportunity to recover the skills learnt. During the session, there is access to images, videos and music that are linked to each lesson. Teachers ask for children to model good practice. There are opportunities for children to work individually, with a partner or in a group.


There is a medium-term plan for each stage of learning to ensure the progression and development of skills throughout. All children in the school are given the opportunity to take part in community sporting events, such as Sports Day. This is where children can use key skills they have been practising in a real-life situations. For the more able children, there are specific sports competitions and events where they have the opportunity to use their skills and strategies in a competitive environment. If children are keeping up with the curriculum outcomes, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through a reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes; a celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates progression across the school; assessment of the skills and knowledge with our domain sheets and pupil discussions about their learning. Teachers recap on previous learning through questions at the beginning of a new unit of work; know more remember more. New learning is continually revisited by the teachers to embed.

PE Long Term Overview

PE key concepts

BV and SMSC in PE