LivPac Newsletter 2

Please see below a link to LivPac’s Newsletter.

LivPac is the Liverpool Parent and Carer Forum

Exam results 2024

Students in Year 11 (plus a few in Post 16) received their exam results today. We have had a wonderful morning in school, sharing and celebrating our students’ successes. We are extremely proud of every one of them.

There have been several ‘firsts’ this year for the school. We have offered GCSE English Language and Literature to a cohort of Year 11 students, achieved our first-ever 7 in Art, and introduced a Digital Skills course at Entry and Level 1.

We have offered six GCSE courses (including a double award in Science).

Nine students achieved six GCSEs. 

Eleven students achieved a GCSE grade in both Literature and Language. 

All students in the main body of the school achieved a qualification in Mathematics, with over half of these at GCSE level. 

Eighty-three percent of students in the main body of the school achieved an Art GCSE, with half of these being a grade four or above. 

Ninety-four percent of students gained English and Maths qualifications.  

Our personalised pathways have ensured all learners, regardless of their needs, have achieved a number of qualifications in a wide range of subjects at Entry Level, Level 1, and GCSE. This offer has been further enhanced with vocational qualifications offered through AP providers – one of our students achieved a coaching qualification in fishing – another first for Bank View.

We have offered 6th form students, where appropriate, the opportunity to resit in English and Maths, with three students achieving a grade 4.

Well done to everyone!

School prom

School prom

We had a lovely evening last night at our prom.

It was held in Fazakerley social club and enjoyed by all staff and students.

This followed our leavers assembly in school in the morning with the usual collection of photographs of pupils over the years.

We wish everyone well with their next steps whether they be 6th form, college or work.

Thank you

A big Thank you to Curry’s for their generous donation of a wide screen TV for school. We are going to use it in the entrance to display information and messages for the students.