Design Technology (resistant materials and graphics)
Subject teachers: Adam Crook (KS3 & 4 Long Lane), Alex Harding (KS3 Speke) Jenn Loughlin (KS4 Graphics)
- The DT department is newly organised in terms of staff. DT at Long Lane is delivered by Adam Crook. Alex Harding is second year ECT who is responsible for KS3 DT at Speke site. At KS4 Students have option of studying either Resistant materials or Graphics (JL)
- Design Technology is split into 2 main areas in the school– Food Technology and Resistant Materials as well as Graphics. The Resistant Materials and Graphics comprises of AC and JL in Long Lane.
- At KS3 pupils are taught on a rotation between Resistant Materials and Food. Pupils study one lesson of these per week.
- Resistant materials is taught to the base classes of both KS3 & 4 which follow a thematic 3 year rolling curriculum.
- At KS4 students’ study WJEC Entry Pathway Design and Technology and WJEC Creative, Media and Performance Arts, working towards completing portfolio of work in accordance with course criteria. At KS4 students have 2 lessons per week.
- Open Awards Construction Option.
- The intention and vision of the DT curriculum is to equip students with a clear progression of knowledge and skills they need to achieve and succeed in all Key Stages.
- Students will be engaged and inspired in their work
- Students will develop a varied knowledge and creative range of skills and techniques that build sequentially each year throughout KS3 through a spiralised curriculum through use of different tools, materials and techniques. Each year, skills will be revisited and built upon to secure knowledge and richer understanding
- The Design Technology curriculum at KS3 follows the National Curriculum, equipping students with ability to study a range of topics that are focused on Designing, Making, Evaluating and Technical Knowledge. The aim of the curriculum is to build knowledge and skills of the key concepts each academic year for students to make appropriate progress.
- KS4 students will develop their knowledge and skills from KS3 at greater depth to meet the standard expected to achieve their entry level qualification over the course of two years.
- Members of Primary staff are responsible for overseeing the Primary Stage DT topics which are centred around the KS2 National Curriculum and follow themes.
- Staff liaise with Base staff and Primary (where needed) to ensure topics and skills are covered at appropriate times.
- Introduction of new schemes of work (September 2023 and continuing) by new members of the department, designed for the purpose of developing students’ knowledge and confidence in the workshop through introducing a variety of materials to work with.
- The way the curriculum is planned meets pupils’ learning needs. A varied range of knowledge, skills and techniques are incorporated into all planning across KS3 and 4. Clear development of knowledge and skills are explicit within long term and medium-term planning
- Students study a range of topics which are designed to incorporate a variety of techniques and knowledge of the workshop to develop their confidence in handling tools and materials safely and competently. The planning of topics in the department is intended to allow for progression of knowledge and skills that are built on each year to ensure a richer understanding.
- At KS4 students’ study for WJEC Entry Pathway Design and Technology, working towards completing a portfolio of work which comprises of the following units: Health and Safety, making a Product, Planning and Designing and Modelling. They are presented with producing an object which through various processes will decide upon style, audience and materials and tools to select to suit their choice most appropriately.
- Work to WJEC guidelines and criteria to enable students to succeed and achieve best possible qualification.
- As much opportunity for varied outcomes, using a range of different materials and machinery to produce practical work that will engage and excite students learning.
- Enjoyment of learning is embedded into all the teaching and planning in the subject to ensure that our students are engaged in all activities.
- Assessments take place at the end of each term and is recorded by teacher responsible for the class and added to the wider school assessment. In Autumn term, Year 7 complete baseline assessment in DT that inform staff of current level of knowledge of students in that year. Assessment is monitored after each assessment window which allows staff to identify students that require further intervention.
- Baseline assessment is performed in Autumn term to gain greater knowledge of Year 7 pupils and establish gaps in learning.
- Lesson observations by cluster lead to support and provide valuable feedback on teaching, learning and assessment.
- Standardisation with cluster lead at KS4 ensuring consistency.
- Training opportunities for new staff on Machinery
- Training CPD for Primary and Secondary
- Through new topics featured in medium term plans which are aimed to show development and build on prior learning, students will be able to demonstrate their progression of knowledge and skills across the key stages
- Enjoyment of the subject and curriculum through Pupil voice and practical work produced
- Tracking and marking are consistent and monitored to ensure students know what to do next to make progress.
- All students across the school will be able to have experiences of using a range of equipment and machinery to develop their awareness and knowledge of the DT curriculum.
- All students entered for WJEC qualification will achieve either EL2/3
- Delivery of lessons, quality of work is to a standard expected and progress and sequencing is clearly shown.
- Staff are confident to deliver the curriculum which meets the needs of students
Areas for Further Development
- Medium term Plans continue to be developed this year and adapted/updated each term as reflection takes place
- Use the platform of Seesaw within the subject to build stronger links with home to share students work.
- Build strong relationships between Base and Primary provision to ensure greater cohesion in the subject.
- Attend relevant CPD and share within department for good practice.
- Raise the profile of DT around the school through exciting outcomes and displays of work to celebrate students’ achievement.
- Student feedback after each topic is studied, to ensure pupils have deepened their knowledge and skills to make progress.
- Exhibition of students work to celebrate their achievements and that of DT.