Online Safety Guidance – Parents

CEOPs have a new 11-18 website which offers information and guidance which is appropriate and relevant to the experiences of some young people aged 11 – 18.

Please see the link below to look a the resources.

11- 18s CEOP website


Keeping your children safe: online & beyond

It’s never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren’t with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don’t know what’s happening on their devices. Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? If you need help to find some answers, don’t despair… click on the link below for some answers.


We have also included some useful help guides and live streaming information about the latest social media/apps used today. It is important, that as parents/carers, we are aware of what our children are doing when online and these guides will help you to keep them safe.

TikTok and online gaming sites are being used a lot at the moment with children spending increased amounts of time on them. Both are automatically set to public and the information below gives parents guidance on these and how they can be set to private.


Online gaming

The Net Aware website developed by NSPCC and O2 has up to date information on different apps, it provides information for parents to explain what the apps are, how they are used and how they can support their children in staying safe using them. Another great feature on the website, is the Expert View of an app, that lets parents see at a glance the level of risk for sexual, violence and hatred, bullying, suicide and self harm, and drink, drugs and crime that their children could be exposed to.

Social Media Help Guides

Tick Tock Guardians Guide

Keep your child safe on WhatsApp

vodafone_digital_parenting_January 2020




Twitter (Now known as X)



Get in the Know!

Contact & Staying Safe

Online Safety Mag

Online Safety Guide

Report to CEOP

CEOPS have an information page for parents and carers. The link is below.

CEOPs parents page